[PDF][PDF] Penultimate draft (please quote only the published version or else ask for permission)

M Doyon - academia.edu
The term 'normativity'refers to the principles, standards or rules that guide, constrain, or
compel thinking, judgment, or action in a certain domain. Questions about what is right or …


M Doyon - academia.edu
Prolegomena to pure logic (2001a), Husserl distinguishes sharply between theoretical
sciences on the one hand, and normative sciences on the other. Whereas the task of …

[PDF][PDF] Pandemi Covid-19 dan Kohesi Sosial Antarnegara ASEAN

M Abadi - researchgate.net
Inti dari semangat G20 adalah pengakuan terhadap pentingnya kolaborasi yang aktif dan
aksi kolektif diantara negara anggotanya untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang sudah …