Speciation by sexual selection: 20 years of progress

TC Mendelson, RJ Safran - Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2021 - cell.com
Twenty years ago, a seminal paper summarized the role of sexual selection in speciation as
the coordinated evolution of (male) courtship signals and (female) preferences leading to …

A chromosome-level reference genome and pangenome for barn swallow population genomics

S Secomandi, GR Gallo, M Sozzoni, A Iannucci… - Cell reports, 2023 - cell.com
Insights into the evolution of non-model organisms are limited by the lack of reference
genomes of high accuracy, completeness, and contiguity. Here, we present a chromosome …

Analysis of female song provides insight into the evolution of sex differences in a widely studied songbird

MR Wilkins, KJ Odom, L Benedict, RJ Safran - Animal Behaviour, 2020 - Elsevier
Understanding the patterns and processes related to sexual dimorphism and sex differences
in diverse animal taxa is a foundational research topic in ecology and evolution. Within the …

Telomere length is highly repeatable and shorter in individuals with more elaborate sexual ornamentation in a short‐lived passerine

T Kauzálová, O Tomášek, E Mulder… - Molecular …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Quantifying an individual's state as a fitness proxy has proven challenging, but accumulating
evidence suggests that telomere length and attrition may indicate individual somatic state …

Pangenomics provides insights into the role of synanthropy in barn swallow evolution

S Secomandi, GR Gallo, M Sozzoni, A Iannucci… - bioRxiv, 2022 - biorxiv.org
Insights into the evolution of non-model organisms are often limited by the lack of reference
genomes. As part of the Vertebrate Genomes Project, we present a new reference genome …

An unexpected age-related pattern in feather growth contributes to age-dependent ornament expression in a passerine bird

M Adámková, O Tomášek, T Albrecht - Journal of Ornithology, 2022 - Springer
The length of the ornamental tail rectrices has been shown to be an important condition-
dependent sexually selected trait in various bird species. Similarly, the shape and depth of …

Blood glucose concentration in Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica): sources of variability and association with fitness

K Vlčková - 2021 - dspace.jcu.cz
The diploma thesis by Kamila Bendová titled „Blood glucose concentration in Barn Swallow
(Hirundo rustica): sources of variability and association with fitness “comprises 57 pages …

Reprodukční stárnutí u samic vlaštovky obecné (Hirundo rustica): vliv věku na jednotlivé komponenty reprodukčního úspěchu

L Pazdera - 2020 - dspace.cuni.cz
Vliv věku na fitness jedince je jedním z klíčových témat evoluční ekologie. V současnosti
intenzivně studovaným projevem věku je stárnutí organismu, tedy zhoršování tělesných …


MMK Adámková - is.muni.cz
Individual condition is an important variable that contributes significantly to ornament
expression, and thus affect individual attractiveness. Feather ornaments play an important …