Studies of material returned from Cb asteroid Ryugu have revealed considerable mineralogical and chemical heterogeneity, stemming primarily from brecciation and …
Chondrules are iconic sub-millimeter spheroids representing the most abundant high- temperature dust formed during the evolution of the circumsolar disk. Chondrules have been …
Chondritic components such as chondrules and matrix are the key time capsules that can help us understand the evolution and dynamics of the protoplanetary disk from which the …
The isotopic compositions of samples returned from Cb-type asteroid Ryugu and Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites are distinct from other carbonaceous chondrites, which has led to the …
Carbonaceous chondrites are some of the most primitive meteorites and derive from planetesimals that formed a few million years after the beginning of the solar system. Here …
Deciphering the spatial and temporal evolution of chondrules allows for a better understanding of how asteroidal seeds formed, migrated, and eventually accreted into …
Chondrites are meteorites from undifferentiated parent bodies that provide fundamental information about early Solar System evolution and planet formation. The element Cr is …
Compared to the composition of CI chondrites and the Sun, all other carbonaceous chondrites are variably depleted in volatile elements. However, the origin of these …
We report a comprehensive study of the ungrouped type 2 carbonaceous chondrite, Tarda, which fell in Morocco in 2020. This meteorite exhibits substantial similarities to Tagish Lake …