A comprehensive review on decontamination of irradiated graphite waste

K Fu, M Chen, S Wei, X Zhong - Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022 - Elsevier
The complete and safe disposal of large irradiated graphite waste from nuclear reactors has
attracted worldwide attention. The core target for the treatment of irradiated graphite is to …

Multiscale characterization and comparison of historical and modern nuclear graphite grades

JD Arregui-Mena, RN Worth, W Bodel, B März… - Materials …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Beginning with Chicago Pile I, graphite has been used as a moderator material in
nuclear power stations and is considered a potential material for use in future Generation IV …

A novel method for quantifying irradiation damage in nuclear graphite using Raman spectroscopy

M Jiang, K Ammigan, G Lolov, F Pellemoine, D Liu - Carbon, 2023 - Elsevier
Raman spectroscopy has long been used in studying irradiation damage in carbon/graphite
materials. It is however unclear if the measurements from different types of materials are …

Effect of the average grain size of green pitch coke on the microstructure and properties of self-sintered graphite blocks

H Zhao, Z He, X Guo, P Lian, Z Liu - New Carbon Materials, 2020 - Elsevier
Three self-sintered graphite blocks (SGs) were prepared from green pitch cokes with
different average grain sizes (5.1, 3.1 and 1.9 μm) using cold isostatic compaction. The …

Irradiation damage in nuclear graphite at the atomic scale

A Chartier, L Van Brutzel, J Pageot - Carbon, 2018 - Elsevier
Microstructures of nuclear graphite have been investigated based on the analysis of both X-
ray diffraction patterns and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy images …

Radiation effects in graphite

A Campbell, T Burchell - 2020 - osti.gov
Graphite has been a core structural material and neutron moderator since the first man-
made chain reaction experiment in Chicago. This article will discuss the requirements of …

Multiple length-scale microstructural characterisation of four grades of fine-grained graphite

M Jiang, A El-Turke, G Lolov, K Ammigan… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2021 - Elsevier
Multiple length-scale microstructural characterisation has been conducted on four different
grades of unirradiated fine-grained graphite: CL 2020, IG 430, SGL R7650 and POCO ZXF …

Impact of pre-existing crystal lattice defects on the accumulation of irradiation-induced damage in a C/C composite

Z Wang, O Muránsky, H Zhu, T Wei, Z Zhang… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2022 - Elsevier
A carbon-fibre reinforced carbon-matrix (C/C) composite was irradiated with 30 MeV C 6+
ions to a peak damage of∼ 25 dpa. Ion irradiation-induced microstructural changes were …

The advanced reactor technologies (art) graphite R&D program

WE Windes, TD Burchell, M Davenport - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract The USA DOE Advanced Reactor Technologies (ART) graphite R&D program
supporting HTR design is one of the longest running nuclear graphite R&D programs …

Ion-beam-assisted characterization of quinoline-insoluble particles in nuclear graphite

Q Huang, XQ Han, P Liu, JJ Li, GH Lei, C Li - Nuclear Science and …, 2020 - Springer
The irradiation behavior of graphite is essential for its applications in the nuclear industry.
However, the behavioral differences of graphite remain obscure because of the very limited …