T Mazumdar, SP Raj, I Sinha - Journal of marketing, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
A substantial body of research evidence has now accumulated in the reference price literature. One stream of research has identified the antecedents of reference price and has …
D Yin, S Mitra, H Zhang - Information Systems Research, 2016 - pubsonline.informs.org
In the online word-of-mouth literature, research has consistently shown that negative reviews have a greater impact on product sales than positive reviews. Although this …
CONTENIDO: Introducción: el impacto de la revolución digital en el comportamiento del consumidor-Investigación del consumidor-Segmentación del mercado-Motivación del …
Wouldn't it be nice to have a book on location analysis which-contains most of the main stream topics,-could be used for teaching purposes,-could be used for self study or …
Recently, it has been proposed that creating compelling experiences in the distinctive consumption environment defined by the Internet depends on facilitating a state of flow …
RC Blattberg, R Briesch, EJ Fox - Marketing science, 1995 - pubsonline.informs.org
By synthesizing findings across the sales promotion literature, this article helps the reader understand how promotions work. We identify and explain empirical generalizations related …
DR Bell, TH Ho, CS Tang - Journal of marketing Research, 1998 - journals.sagepub.com
The authors develop and test a new model of store choice behavior whose basic premise is that each shopper is more likely to visit the store with the lowest total shopping cost. The total …
Everyday consumers buy into the concept of brands and their associated meanings-the perception of quality, a symbolic relationship, a vicarious experience, or even a sense of …
DR Bell, JM Lattin - Marketing Science, 1998 - pubsonline.informs.org
In recent years, the supermarket industry has become increasingly competitive. One outcome has been the proliferation of a variety of pricing formats, and considerable debate …