A Pradier - Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea), 2021 - scielo.edu.uy
El concepto de interacción es clave para el desarrollo contemporáneo de la robótica social. Se discute, sin embargo, la conveniencia de una definición que atienda los éxitos de …
CR Mamedes - Revista Vórtex, 2016 - periodicos.unespar.edu.br
Apresentamos neste artigo uma discussão sobre as principais abordagens à interatividade em artes, com foco em música e arte sonora. Este estudo contempla a análise do processo …
ABSTRACT We present Line-Storm, an interactive computer system for creative performance. The context we investigated was writing on paper using Line-Storm. We used …
This article aims to describe the situated interactions between humans and hybrid architectures composed of physical and digital elements. Using a post-phenomenological …
This article examines how the emergence of interactive art brought about the necessity of re- positioning the traditional role of the spectator and led to the re-formulation of the notion of …
This paper is the written portion of the thesis requirements for University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee's Art History, Museums and Curatorial program. It corresponds with the other …
Abstract We present Line-Storm, an interactive computer system for creative performance. The context we investigated was writing on paper using Line-Storm. We used self-report …
This thesis essay and accompanying exhibition examine the capacity of interactive art to stage situations for participants to explore embodiment. In presenting the four-part …
In my thesis exhibition, I reconsider the proximity and scale of everyday pollution and bear witness to the causes of contamination. Nameless presents a story without direct narration …