In the last 15 years before the COVID-19 crisis, Germany has experienced a strong and continuous increase in employment-the'German job miracle'. During this period, income …
Während er COVID-19-Pandemie hat sich Kurzarbeit erneut als wirksames Instrument zur Stabilisierung der Beschäftigung erwiesen. Dabei stieß die massenhafte und schwankende …
Since the mid-1990s, the German labor market has undergone profound changes in the direction of dualization. In addition to the dominant standard employment relationship …
Since the mid-1990s, the German labor market has undergone profound changes in the direction of dualization. In addition to the dominant standard employment relationship …
In the last 15 years before the COVID-19 crisis, Germany has experienced a strong and continuous increase in employment-the 'German job miracle'. During this period, income …
J Koenig, L Neyse, C Schroeder - Minimum wage effects on fair …, 2019 -
Minimum wages aim to raise wages for low-wage workers, but how do they affect fair wage perceptions? Using Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) data, we show that fair wages are …
In einem für die Mindestlohnkommission durchgeführten Forschungsprojekt wurde die potenziell stärkere Belastung von Mindestlohnbeschäftigten in der ersten Phase der …
A general minimum wage came into effect in Germany on 1 January 2015. While a positive effect on wages at the bottom end of the wage distribution has been documented following …
Seit dem 1. Januar 2015 gilt in Deutschland ein einheitlicher gesetzlicher Mindestlohn. Zwar belegen Forschungsergebnisse einen positiven Effekt auf Löhne am unteren Ende der …