Fast and improved backpropagation learning of multi‐layer artificial neural network using adaptive activation function

S Panda, G Panda - Expert Systems, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In the conventional backpropagation (BP) learning algorithm used for the training of the
connecting weights of the artificial neural network (ANN), a fixed slope− based sigmoidal …

[PDF][PDF] Performance analysis of artificial neural networks training algorithms and transfer functions for medium-term water consumption forecasting

LCP Velasco, ARB Granados, JMA Ortega… - … Journal of Advanced …, 2018 -
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a widely used machine learning pattern recognition
technique in predicting water resources based on historical data. ANN has the ability to …

[PDF][PDF] Day-ahead load forecasting using support vector regression machines

LCP Velasco, DLL Polestico, DMM Abella… - … Journal of Advanced …, 2018 -
Accurate day-ahead load prediction plays a significant role to electric companies because
decisions on power system generations depend on future behavior of loads. This paper …

Training based segmentation for tissue extraction in whole slide image

JP Lagos - 2019 -
Reducing the time and storage memory required for scanning whole slide images (WSIs) is
crucial. In this thesis work we tested and assessed the performance of two popular neural …