D Paton, P Buergelt - International journal of environmental research and …, 2019 - mdpi.com
Recognition of projected increases in exposure to large-scale hazard events over the coming decades has identified a need to develop how disaster risk reduction and recovery …
Purpose This paper aims to identify key factors for a contextualised Systemic Risk Governance (SRG) framework and subsequently explore how systemic risks can be …
D Paton - Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience, 2020 - Springer
The growing need for people to be able to respond in timely and effective ways to the challenges posed by natural hazard events has highlighted the need for their preparation in …
Despite the potentially catastrophic nature of disasters, survivors can be highly resilient. Resilience, the capacity to successfully adapt to adversity, is both individual and collective …
With disasters increasing in both frequency and intensity, this timely Advanced Introduction provides a fresh perspective on how the concepts established in the Sendai Framework can …
Economic and social science scholars have been long concerned with the risk of globalisation that has increasingly created the world as a 'global village'. As the world …
Perkenankan saya memulai pidato ini dengan mengucapkan rasa syukur ke hadirat Allah Swt., Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang telah melimpahkan karunia-Nya sehingga kita semua …