[图书][B] Visibility algorithms in the plane

SK Ghosh - 2007 - books.google.com
A human observer can effortlessly identify visible portions of geometric objects present in the
environment. However, computations of visible portions of objects from a viewpoint involving …

A linear-time 2-approximation algorithm for the watchman route problem for simple polygons

X Tan - Theoretical Computer Science, 2007 - Elsevier
Given a simple polygon P of n vertices, the watchman route problem asks for a shortest
(closed) route inside P such that each point in the interior of P can be seen from at least one …

Applications of visibility space in polygon search problems

Z Zhang - 2005 - summit.sfu.ca
This thesis investigates several problems related to searching a polygonal area for intruders.
The mutual visibility between an arbitrary pair of points on the boundary of a polygon is an …

[PDF][PDF] An Optimal Solution to Room Search Problem.

BK Bhattacharya, JZ Zhang, Q Shi, T Kameda - CCCG, 2006 - researchgate.net
A room is a simple polygon with a prespecified point, called the door, on its boundary. A
search starts at the door and must detect any intruder that may be in the room, while making …

A unified and efficient solution to the room search problem

X Tan - Computational Geometry, 2008 - Elsevier
We study the problem of searching for a mobile intruder in a polygonal region P with a door
d (called a room) by a mobile searcher. The objective is to decide whether there exists a …

Where to build a door

JZ Zhang, T Kameda - 2006 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A room is a simple polygon with a prespecified point, called the door, on its boundary.
Search starts at the door, and must detect all intruders that may be in the room, while making …

[HTML][HTML] An efficient algorithm for the three-guard problem

X Tan - Discrete applied mathematics, 2008 - Elsevier
Given a simple polygon P with two vertices u and v, the three-guard problem asks whether
three guards can move from u to v such that the first and third guards are separately on two …

Position-independent street searching

CA Bröcker, A López-Ortiz - Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, 1999 - Springer
A polygon P is a street if there exist points (u, v) on the boundary such that P is weakly
visible from any path from u to v. Optimal strategies have been found for on-line searching of …

[HTML][HTML] Searching for mobile intruders in circular corridors by two 1-searchers

B Jiang, X Tan - Discrete applied mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
We consider the problem of searching for a mobile intruder in a circular corridor by two
mobile searchers, who hold one flashlight. A circular corridor is a polygon with one …

A linear-time algorithm for finding all door locations that make a room searchable

JZ Zhang, T Kameda - Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …, 2008 - Springer
A room is a simple polygon with a prespecified point, called the door, on its boundary.
Search may be conducted by two guards on the boundary who keep mutual visibility at all …