Corporate social responsibility and financial performance relationship: The case of Turkey.

AP Arsoy, Ö Arabaci… - Journal of Accounting & …, 2012 -
Having an increased attention from researchers corporate social responsibility is the starting
point of this study. There several studies in the literature regarding the linkage between CSR …

Effect of loneliness at work on the employees' intention to leave

Y Kaymaz, Y Eroğlu, D Sayılar - ISGUC the Journal of Industrial …, 2014 -
act As loneliness and loneliness at work are important socio-psychological concepts that
affect employee job performance, they should be carefully considered with respect to human …

A review and bibliography of early warning models

E Yucel - 2011 -
This note is intended to share some observations regarding a non-exhaustive collection of
the early warning literature from 1971 to 2011. Evolution of the interest in early warning …

Understanding sectoral growth cycles and the impact of monetary policy in Turkish manufacturing

S Sahinöz, EE Cosar - OECD Journal: Journal of Business Cycle …, 2009 -
We pursue a two-fold objective in this paper. First, we try to describe comprehensively the
behaviour of sectoral growth cycles in Turkish manufacturing by using several statistical …

Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk ve finansal performans ilişkisi: Türkiye Örneği

AG Gençyürek - 2014 -
Günümüzde birbirine benzeyen ve ikamesi olarak kullanılabilecek mal ile hizmetlerin
piyasada oldukça fazla yer alması, işletmeleri farklılık yaratmaya ve sürdürülebilir hedeflere …

Leading indicators of real activity and inflation for Turkey, 2001-2010

S Altug, E Uluceviz - 2011 -
This paper develops a set of leading indicators of industrial production growth and
consumer price inflation for the period 2001-2010. The choice of indicators is based on …

[PDF][PDF] The use of barometers in forecasting changes in the banking market situation

J Garczarczyk, R Skikiewicz - Forecasting, Econometrics, 2010 -
Barometers, constructed for almost a century as composite indicators on the basis of
variables which exhibit leading features, are commonly used to determine the direction of …

Konut Kredileri, Yapı Ruhsat İzinleri ve Bileşik Öncü Göstergeler Endeksi Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi

TY Öztürk, M Aksoy - Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar -
Gayrimenkul sektörü ülke ekonomisinde finans açısından büyük bir öneme sahiptir.
Sektörün büyümesine ivme kazandıran etkenlerden biri olan mortgage bankacılığının konut …

Metoda barometrów ekonomicznych w prognozowaniu koniunktury gospodarczej (na przykładzie rynku usług ubezpieczeniowych)

J Garczarczyk, M Mocek - Mieszane podejścia i modele w badaniach …, 2014 -
W rozwoju każdej gospodarki występują zmiany w poziomie aktywności gospodarczej, które
przejawiają się w mniej i bardziej regularnych wahaniach koniunkturalnych. Znajomość tych …


AA Demirhan -
I. Giriş Ekonomik faaliyetteki dalgalanmaları tahmin etmeye yönelik geliştirilen öncü
göstergeler yaklaşımı yarım asırdan fazla bir süredir kullanılmaktadır. Bu konuda yaptıkları …