Cognitive ability and risk aversion: A systematic review and meta analysis

L Lilleholt - Judgment and Decision making, 2019 -
Are highly intelligent people less risk averse? Over the last two decades scholars have
argued the existence of a negative relationship between cognitive ability and risk aversion …

The role of cognitive reflection in decision making: Evidence from Pakistani managers

M Sajid, MC Li - Judgment and Decision making, 2019 -
Assessing how managers discount and evaluate risks is crucial in designing effective
managerial policies. In this work, we examine whether risk preferences (RP; both in the …

The mismeasure of intelligence: Measurement errors in the relationship between risk preferences and intelligence

J Krause, L Baumann - Available at SSRN 4634178, 2023 -
The literature reports heterogeneous evidence regarding the effect of cognitive abilities and
impulsivity on risk preferences. A systematic review of the literature shows that most …

Personality traits as an engine of knowledge: a quantile regression analysis

M Polemis - Journal of Economic Studies, 2021 -
Purpose We use disaggregated survey data set to investigate the impact of personality traits
on the level of education in the USA. We attempt to shed light on the contribution of each of …

A Longitudinal Study of Changes in Cognition Among Older Thais: Studying From the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System

N Auampradit, P Vapattanawong… - Gerontology and …, 2019 -
Objectives: To examine the impacts of changes in social determinants of health (SDH)
toward changes in cognition. Methods: Longitudinal data came from the Kanchanaburi …

A utilização de instrumentos fiscais para desencorajar o consumo de açúcar: a adoção de impostos sobre bebidas não alcoólicas adicionadas de açúcar eo …

LRO Rodrigues - 2019 -
A obesidade é considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como a doença do século,
sendo que em Portugal estima-se que cerca de 60% da população é obesa ou está em …

A Utilização de Instrumentos Fiscais Para Desencorajar o Consumo de Açúcar: A Adoção de Impostos Sobre Bebidas não Alcoólicas Adicionadas de Açúcar eo …

LR de Oliveira Rodrigues - 2019 -
AÇÚCAR A adoção de impostos sobre bebidas não alcoól Page 1 III A UTILIZAÇÃO DE …

Personality traits as an engine of knowledge: A quantile regression approach

M Polemis - 2018 -
We use a unique micro-level data set to investigate the impact of personality traits on
education. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study shedding light on the …