Social cognition in insects

L Chittka, N Rossi - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2022 -
Insects feature some of the most complex societies in the animal kingdom, but a historic
perception persists that such complexity emerges from interactions between individuals …

Recent advances in the remote sensing of insects

MW Rhodes, JJ Bennie, A Spalding… - Biological …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Remote sensing has revolutionised many aspects of ecological research, enabling
spatiotemporal data to be collected in an efficient and highly automated manner. The last …

[HTML][HTML] Do bumble bees play?

HSG Dona, C Solvi, A Kowalewska, K Mäkelä… - Animal Behaviour, 2022 - Elsevier
Highlights•Ball rolling by bumble bees fulfils animal play criteria.•Ball rolling can act as an
unconditioned rewarding stimulus.•Younger bees rolled more balls, with age patterns …

Thermal flight performance reveals impact of warming on bumblebee foraging potential

D Kenna, S Pawar, RJ Gill - Functional Ecology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The effects of environmental temperature on components of insect flight determine life‐
history traits, fitness, adaptability and, ultimately, organism ecosystem functional roles …

Multimodal interactions in insect navigation

C Buehlmann, M Mangan, P Graham - Animal cognition, 2020 - Springer
Animals travelling through the world receive input from multiple sensory modalities that
could be important for the guidance of their journeys. Given the availability of a rich array of …

High-resolution outdoor videography of insects using Fast Lock-On tracking

TT Vo-Doan, VV Titov, MJM Harrap, S Lochner… - Science Robotics, 2024 -
Insects have important roles globally in ecology, economy, and health, yet our
understanding of their behavior remains limited. Bees, for example, use vision and a tiny …

The genetics and epigenetics of animal migration and orientation: birds, butterflies and beyond

C Merlin, M Liedvogel - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019 -
Migration is a complex behavioural adaptation for survival that has evolved across the
animal kingdom from invertebrates to mammals. In some taxa, closely related migratory …

Visual navigation: properties, acquisition and use of views

J Zeil - Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2023 - Springer
Panoramic views offer information on heading direction and on location to visually
navigating animals. This review covers the properties of panoramic views and the …

The learning walks of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

J Zeil, PN Fleischmann - Myrmecological News, 2019 -
When transitioning from in-nest duties to their foraging life outside the nest, ants perform a
series of highly choreo-graphed learning walks around the nest entrance, before leaving to …

The frontiers of insect cognition

CJ Perry, AB Barron, L Chittka - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2017 - Elsevier
Highlights•Studies in social bees have proposed various forms of sophisticated
cognition.•Bees display a variety of cognitive phenomena including attention, social learning …