[PDF][PDF] The effect of using metacognitive strategies for solving geometry problems on students' achievement and attitude

SM Sahin, F Kendir - Educational Research and Reviews, 2013 - academicjournals.org
The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of using metacognitive strategies for
problem solving in “geometry” on fifth grade students' achievement, metacognitive skills and …

Teknoloji destekli ortamda matematiksel modelleme problemlerinin çözüm süreçlerinin analizi: Bilişsel ve üstbilişsel yapılar üzerine bir açıklama

ÇN Hidiroğlu - 2015 - search.proquest.com
AraĢtırmanın amacı, teknoloji destekli ortamda matematiksel modelleme problemlerinin
çözüm sürecinde ortaya çıkan biliĢsel ve üst biliĢsel yapıların açıklanmasıdır. ÇalıĢmada …

Effects of think–aloud pair problem solving on secondary–level students' performance in career and technical education courses

ML Pate, G Miller - Journal of Agricultural Education, 2011 - jae-online.org
A randomized posttest–only control group experimental design was used to determine the
effects of think–aloud pair problem solving (TAPPS) on the troubleshooting performance of …

The effect of pairs in program design tasks

KM Lui, KCC Chan, J Nosek - IEEE transactions on software …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Pair programming involves-two developers simultaneously collaborating with each other on
the same programming task to design and code a solution. Algorithm design and its …

Determining the effects of cognitive style, problem complexity, and hypothesis generation on the problem solving ability of school-based agricultural education …

JJ Blackburn, JS Robinson - Journal of Agricultural Education, 2016 - ERIC
The purpose of this experimental study was to assess the effects of cognitive style, problem
complexity, and hypothesis generation on the problem solving ability of school-based …

[PDF][PDF] A metacognitive approach to pair programming: Influence on metacognitive awareness

B Breed, E Mentz, G Van der Westhuizen - 2014 - repositorio.ual.es
Introducción. La investigación se centró en la metacognición en un entorno de aprendizaje
colaborativo. Basado en un estudio exhaustivo de la bibliografía, los investigadores …

A behavioral interpretation of situation awareness: Prospects for organizational behavior management

K Killingsworth, SA Miller… - Sources of Behavioral …, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Situation awareness (SA) is a construct used in human factors research and application. It is
typically employed in the design of equipment to facilitate rapid and adaptive responding in …

Perceptions of Supervision Practices by Agricultural Education Student Teachers.

M Thobega, G Miller - Journal of agricultural Education, 2008 - ERIC
The purpose of this study was to describe student teachers' perceptions and preferences of
the type of supervision they experienced while interacting with their university supervisors …

The Effects of Pair Problem Solving Technique Incorporating Polya's Problem Solving Strategy on Undergraduate Students' Performance in Chemistry.

I Bilgin - Online Submission, 2006 - ERIC
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of pair problem solving technique
incorporating Polya's problem solving strategy on undergraduate students' performance in …

[PDF][PDF] Using “talking aloud pair problem solving” to enhance student performance in productivity software course

H Benham - Issues in Information Systems, 2009 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This paper looks at the impact of “Talking Aloud Pair Problem Solving”(TAPPS) on student
performance in a productivity application course. The argument is that success working with …