Some unipotent Arthur packets for reductive p-adic groups

D Ciubotaru, L Mason-Brown… - International Mathematics …, 2024 -
Let be a-adic field, and let be the-points of a connected reductive group, inner to split. The
set of Aubert–Zelevinsky duals of the constituents of a tempered L-packet forms an Arthur …

Geometric wave-front set may not be a singleton

CC Tsai - arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.13445, 2022 -
arXiv:2207.13445v4 [math.RT] 21 May 2023 Page 1 GEOMETRIC WAVE-FRONT SET MAY
NOT BE A SINGLETON CHENG-CHIANG TSAI Dedicated to Benedict H. Gross Abstract. We …

On the weak local Arthur packets conjecture for split classical groups

B Liu, CH Lo - International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024 -
Recently, motivated by the theory of real local Arthur packets, making use of the wavefront
sets of representations over non-Archimedean local fields, Ciubotaru, Mason-Brown, and …

On the upper bound of wavefront sets of representations of p-adic groups

A Hazeltine, B Liu, CH Lo, F Shahidi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.11976, 2024 -
In this paper we study the upper bound of wavefront sets of irreducible admissible
representations of connected reductive groups defined over non-Archimedean local fields of …

Maximality Properties of Generalized Springer Representations of SO (N, ℂ)

R La - International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024 -
Let be a unipotent class of, an irreducible-equivariant local system on. The generalized
Springer representation appears in the top cohomology of some variety. Let be the …

Local character expansions via positive depth Barbasch-Moy theory

D Ciubotaru, E Okada - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.06780, 2023 -
In this paper we extend Barbasch and Moy's results about the local character expansion of
depth-$0 $ representations to arbitrary depth. This leads to the definition of a graded …

Jiang's conjecture and fibers of the Barbasch-Vogan duality

B Liu, CH Lo, F Shahidi - Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i …, 2024 -
Sažetak The well-known Shahidi's conjecture says that tempered L-packets have generic
members. As a natural generalization of Shahidi's conjecture to non-tempered local Arthur …

Quasi-admissible, raisable nilpotent orbits, and theta representations

F Gao, B Liu, WY Tsai - arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.00573, 2023 -
We study the quasi-admissibility and raisablility of some nilpotent orbits of a covering group.
In particular, we determine the degree of the cover such that a given split nilpotent orbit is …

The Iwahori--Matsumoto dual for tempered representations of Lusztig's geometric Hecke algebras

R La - arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14528, 2024 -
The Iwahori--Matsumoto involution $\mathsf {IM} $ is an algebra involution on an affine
Hecke algebra. To a connected complex reductive group $ G $, Lusztig associated various …

A triangular system for local character expansions of Iwahori-spherical representations of general linear groups

M Gurevich - Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 2023 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
Dans le cas des représentations Iwahori-sphériques de groupes généraux linéaires de
corps non archimédien, Chan-Savin ont récemment obtenu une expression du foncteur de …