G Scoppio, B Lagerlöf - REVUE MILITAIRE CANADIENNE, 2024 - ojs.library.queensu.ca
Cela fait plus de 20 ans qu'une étape historique a été franchie lorsque le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies a adopté la première résolution (RCSNU 1325) sur l'agenda …
Challenges to Canadian national security have arguably become more complex in the contemporary operating environment due to factors such as globalization, climate change …
ABSTRACT The Canadian Forces (CF) is once again refocusing its efforts northward to satisfy the elements of the Northern Strategy and the Canada First Defence Strategy that …
M Tretiakova, KD Davis, C Kuyvenhoven - 2013 - madgic.library.carleton.ca
In recent years, the activities of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in the Canadian Arctic and northern regions have taken on increasing significance. In response, this paper …
Fundamental to this essay are four themes rooted in Canadian multiculturalism; differentiation between multiculturalism and diversity, articulation of the military benefits and …
B BENTLEY, G SCOPPIO - 2012 - madgic.library.carleton.ca
This monograph is meant to complement the existing Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces (DND/CF) manuals published by the Canadian Forces Leadership …