AK Grover, MH Ashraf - The International Journal of Logistics …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose Despite its potential, warehouse managers still struggle to successfully assimilate autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) in their operations. This paper means to identify the …
Eyeing superior operational performance, transportation, and warehousing management, researchers have turned their much‐needed attention to autonomous and IoT‐driven …
One of the challenges of using Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors for dimensioning objects is that the depth information suffers from issues such as low resolution, self-occlusions, noise, and …
C Zieliński - Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2023 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
Aby ocenić, jaki wpływ będą miały roboty na społeczeństwo, należy skrupulatnie przeanalizować obecny stan wiedzy, aw szczególności wskazać fundamentalne problemy …
One of the most popular scheduling problems is the scheduling of the activities under precedence and resource constraints. In the literature, this problem is called Resource …