In this study, we replicated and extended Experiment 1 of Palmeri et al.(1993) in two experiments. Using the continuous recognition memory paradigm, we investigated effects of …
C Vaughn, A Whitty - Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 2020 -
The processing fluency hypothesis proposes that listeners' perceived difficulty processing the speech of L2 speakers (called comprehensibility/processing fluency) leads them to …
H Levy, A Hanulíková - Language Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
This study assesses the effects of heterogeneous speech input on ratings of children's words and vowels. First, we examined whether exposure to a certain accent type or to different …
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the bidirectional relationship between speech and social processes, as increased attention is given to how speakers' physical …
Aucune language (de grande extension) néchappe à la variation diatopique.(Pöll 2017, 65) dies trifft auch auf das Französische zu. Während sowohl die Seite der sprachlichen …