This article reviews central problems in political opportunity theory and explores the implications of adopting certain conceptualizations of political opportunities for explaining …
Antje Wiener examines the involvement of local actors in conflicts over global norms such as fundamental rights and the prohibition of torture and sexual violence. Providing accounts of …
Given the advanced state of digital technology and social media, one would think that the Democratic and Republican Parties would be reasonably well-matched in terms of their …
Financial crisis, economic globalization and the strengthening of neoliberal policies present stark challenges to traditional conceptions of representative democracy. Yet, at the same …
In Europe, as in the rest of the Western world, scholarly interest in social movements developed with the wave of protest that, in the late sixties, shook confidence in the 'end of …
Shows how social change affects political mobilization indirectly through the restructuring of existing power relations, comparing the impact of the ecology, gay rights, peace, and …
Con un lenguaje claro, ameno y accesible, la obra de Donatella della Porta y Mario Diani sigue siendo, hoy por hoy, una referencia obligada para los investigadores, además de un …
MG Giugni - Annual review of sociology, 1998 -
Research on social movements has usually addressed issues of movement emergence and mobilization, yet has paid less attention to their outcomes and consequences. Although …