Попиксельное оценивание межкадровых геометрических деформаций изображений при выделении области подвижного объекта

АГ Ташлинский, ПВ Смирнов - Автоматизация процессов управления, 2015 - elibrary.ru
Проведен сравнительный анализ различных вариантов реализации попиксельного
оценивания межкадровых геометрических деформаций изображений на примере …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic alert of security threat through video surveillance system

V Shukla, GK Singh, P Shah - no. November, 2015 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Close Circuit Television Camera (CCTV) has played very important role in many
surveillance and security systems. However, such system requires continuous monitoring by …

Moving object area identification in image sequence

A Tashlinskii, P Smirnov - 2015 International Siberian …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper carries out a comparative analysis of various approaches to identify area of
moving object in image sequence using pixel-by-pixel estimation of inter-frame shifts. It …

Object detection and tracking in video sequences: formalization, metrics and results

RP Bohush, SV Ablameyko - Informatics, 2021 - inf.grid.by
One of the promising areas of development and implementation of artificial intelligence is
the automatic detection and tracking of moving objects in video sequence. The paper …

[PDF][PDF] An efficient motion based video object detection and tracking system

GS Sujatha, VV Kumari - International conference on innovative trends in …, 2015 - edlib.net
In Computer Vision, one of the critical tasks is to detect and track objects. Even today, the
issues related to this remain an active area of research. Major limitation of the existing …

Обработка сигналов и изображений средствами векторно-матричных вычислений

СВ Мальцев, СВ Абламейко, РП Богуш - 2011 - elibrary.ru
Представлены теория и практика обработки сигналов и изображений на основе
векторно-матричных вычислений. Факторизация матриц рассматривается как средство …

Обнаружение и сопровождение объектов на видеопоследовательностях: формализация, критерии и результаты

РП Богуш, СВ Абламейко - Информатика, 2021 - inf.grid.by
Аннотация Одним из перспективных направлений развития и внедрения
искусственного интеллекта является автоматическое обнаружение и отслеживание …

Compensation algorithm for the blurring effect of a moving object using a sequence of frames

AG Tashlinskii, PV Smirnov - Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2015 - Springer
An algorithm has been suggested for reconstructing an image of a moving object using a
video sequence with compensation for the blurring effect, which does not require a priori …

Object detection and movement tracking in H. 264 compressed video based on optimal particle filtering technique

K Srinivasan, P Balamurugan - Journal of Computational and …, 2016 - ingentaconnect.com
In this paper we have proposed a method for object tracking. At first the video sequence are
divided into number of frames. For each frame, mask regions are finding using the properties …

Formalization of People and Crowd Detection and Tracking in Video

R Bohush, H Chen, S Ablameyko - 2021 - libeldoc.bsuir.by
One of the promising areas of development and implementation of artificial intelligence is
the automatic detection and tracking of moving objects in video sequence. The paper …