Abstract Many international Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems were developed based on the best practices of organizations in which they were developed. These …
Introducción: Este artículo está soportado en la investigación y revisión bibliográfica realizada durante febrero y abril 2020 en el programa de Ingeniería Industrial de la …
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are defined as off-the-shelf software packages, which are made as standardised solution for managing the business processes in many …
Implementar un sistema ERP mayormente conlleva a un proyecto de tiempo extenso y costoso con varias particularidades que frecuentemente tienes fallas y trae como …
JHM Ruano, JM Segura, JH Mendoza - revistas.ucc.edu.co
Introduction: This article is supported by the research and bibliographic review carried out during February and April 2020 in the Industrial Engineering program of the Fundación …
This article describes the information system of the discrete type production management and its implementation using the model of radical changes by J. Kotter. The need for …
Användning av affärssystem i organisationer kan generera operativa och strategiska fördelar. För att användare ska nyttja affärssystem till dess potential är det av vikt med …
Prezenta teză își propune să arate contribuțiile proprii privind crearea de algoritmi, dezvoltarea de metode și elaborarea de tehnici în vederea realizării de sisteme informatice …