[HTML][HTML] The online k-server problem with rejection

E Bittner, C Imreh, J Nagy-György - Discrete Optimization, 2014 - Elsevier
In this work we investigate the online k-server problem where each request has a penalty
and it is allowed to reject the requests. The goal is to minimize the sum of the total distance …

Bin Packing/Covering with Delivery, solved with the evolution of algorithms

A Benkö, G Dósa, Z Tuza - 2010 IEEE Fifth International …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We deal with a new problem that we call Bin Packing/Covering with Delivery. Mainly we
mean under this expression that we look for not only a good, but a “good and fast” packing …

Parameter learning algorithm for the online data acknowledgment problem

C Imreh, T Németh - Optimization Methods and Software, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
In the communication aspect of a computer network, data are sent by packets. If the
communication channel is not completely safe, then the arrival of the packets must be …

[PDF][PDF] Parameter learning in online scheduling algorithms

C Imreh, T Németh - Maxim Sviridenko, IBM Watson Research Center …, 2011 - Citeseer
In on-line computation an algorithm must make its decisions based only on past events
without secure information on future. Such algorithms are called on-line algorithms. On-line …

[PDF][PDF] Online data clustering algorithms in an RTLS system

T Németh, S Nagy, C Imreh - Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Informatica, 2013 - sciendo.com
This paper proposes and evaluates solutions for an online clustering problem and gives a
mathematical model for it. The problem at hand occurs often in the fusion of data streams for …

[PDF][PDF] Improved Rejection Penalty Algorithm with Multiprocessor Rejection Technique

P Satpathy, K Das, J Padhi - International Journal of Electrical and …, 2015 - core.ac.uk
This paper deals with multiprocessor scheduling with rejection technique where each job is
provided with processing time and a given penalty cost. If the job satisfies the acceptance …


BT Attila, D György - library.uni-pannon.hu
" Az értekezés tartalmazza az új feladathoz tartozó offl ine (elöore ismert az L lista, amely
szerint a tárgyak érkeznek) optimum meghatározásával kapcsolatos állításokat; lényegében …

[PDF][PDF] Theoretical and practical examination of bin packing and scheduling problems

A BenkUo, D György - researchgate.net
The first part of the PhD dissertation contains a new, combined NP% hard problem that is
connected to bin packing problems and also to a transportation or scheduling problem." The …

[PDF][PDF] Ládapakolási és ütemezési feladatok elméleti, és számítógéppel segített vizsgálata

A Benkő - 2015 - real-phd.mtak.hu
In the first part of the dissertation we discuss a combined problem that is connected to bin
packing problems and delivery or scheduling problems, at the same time. For further …

On-line előrenéző és paraméter tanuló algoritmusok nyugtázási és ütemezési problémákra

N Tamás - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Disszertációmban a 2006 óta, az on-line klaszterezési és ütemezési problémák területén
végzett kutatásaim eredményeit gyűjtöttem össze. Munkatársaimmal ezeken a területeken …