C Hammarlund - Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper uses logbook data from Swedish Baltic Sea cod trawlers to investigate the revenue target hypothesis. Incomes from fishing can be highly variable and difficult to predict …
K Abe, CM Anderson - Journal of the Association of …, 2022 - journals.uchicago.edu
Production functions are often estimated using temporally aggregated data to evaluate productivity in natural resource industry. However, a direct estimation can be misleading if …
In many fisheries, particularly high seas fisheries, effort is controlled primarily by scaling estimated fleet capacity to available biomass. Capacity is traditionally estimated by relating …
S Bera - Essays on labor supply and stock effect in fisheries, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Do people work more hours when paid a higher wage? In a setting in which the wage increase is transitory (implying, income effects are trivial), neoclassical theory suggests the …
Researchers rely on bioeconomic models to guide research and generate fishery management advice for commercial fisheries. Due partly to a paradigm shift towards …
Fish and Trips in the Baltic Sea - Prices, Management and Labor Supply Hammarlund, Cecilia Page 1 Fish and Trips in the Baltic Sea - Prices, Management and Labor Supply Hammarlund …
Dynamics is a key aspect of analyses on renewable natural resources, as it replenishes over time. While long-run dynamic aspect of harvester behavior has been traditionally explored …