Anti-infective activities of lactobacillus strains in the human intestinal microbiota: from probiotics to gastrointestinal anti-infectious biotherapeutic agents

V Liévin-Le Moal, AL Servin - Clinical microbiology reviews, 2014 - Am Soc Microbiol
SUMMARY A vast and diverse array of microbial species displaying great phylogenic,
genomic, and metabolic diversity have colonized the gastrointestinal tract. Resident …

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli—A Summary of the Literature

AD Mare, CN Ciurea, A Man, B Tudor… - Gastroenterology …, 2021 -
Diarrheal disease is still a major public health concern, as it is still considered an important
cause of death in children under five years of age. A few decades ago, the detection of …

Pointed-end processive elongation of actin filaments by Vibrio effectors VopF and VopL

E Kudryashova, Ankita, H Ulrichs, S Shekhar… - Science …, 2022 -
According to the cellular actin dynamics paradigm, filaments grow at their barbed ends and
depolymerize predominantly from their pointed ends to form polar structures and do …

Pathogenesis of human diffusely adhering Escherichia coli expressing Afa/Dr adhesins (Afa/Dr DAEC): current insights and future challenges

AL Servin - Clinical microbiology reviews, 2014 - Am Soc Microbiol
The pathogenicity and clinical pertinence of diffusely adhering Escherichia coli expressing
the Afa/Dr adhesins (Afa/Dr DAEC) in urinary tract infections (UTIs) and pregnancy …

Lactobacilli, a weapon to counteract pathogens through the inhibition of their virulence factors

A Colautti, E Orecchia, G Comi… - Journal of Bacteriology, 2022 - Am Soc Microbiol
To date, several studies have reported an alarming increase in pathogen resistance to
current antibiotic therapies and treatments. Therefore, the search for effective alternatives to …

How pathogens use linear motifs to perturb host cell networks

A Via, B Uyar, C Brun, A Zanzoni - Trends in biochemical sciences, 2015 -
Molecular mimicry is one of the powerful stratagems that pathogens employ to colonise their
hosts and take advantage of host cell functions to guarantee their replication and …

Escherichia coli O104:H4 Pathogenesis: An Enteroaggregative E. coli/Shiga Toxin‐Producing E. coli Explosive Cocktail of High Virulence

F Navarro‐Garcia - … Escherichia coli and Other Shiga Toxin …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
In May 2011, an outbreak caused by Escherichia coli of serotype O104: H4 spread
throughout Germany (1). The next month, France also reported a cluster of E. coli O104: H4 …

Three-dimensional nanostructured architectures enable efficient neural differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells via mechanotransduction

M Poudineh, Z Wang, M Labib, M Ahmadi, L Zhang… - Nano …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Cell morphology and geometry affect cellular processes such as stem cell differentiation,
suggesting that these parameters serve as fundamental regulators of biological processes …

Tight Junction Disruption Induced by Type 3 Secretion System Effectors Injected by Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli

P Ugalde-Silva, O Gonzalez-Lugo… - Frontiers in cellular and …, 2016 -
The intestinal epithelium consists of a single cell layer, which is a critical selectively
permeable barrier to both absorb nutrients and avoid the entry of potentially harmful entities …

Intestinal epithelial barrier: The target for pathogenic Escherichia coli.

B Pawłowska… - Advances in Clinical & …, 2017 -
Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains are included in 9 pathotypes (pathovars) that present
different virulence factors responsible for the patomechanism of infections they cause. As all …