In this study we analyzed the primary teaching and training experiences that observe play as a didactic resource to facilitate learning, highlighting fundamental elements and …
There is a growing interest in the study of active methodologies, especially cooperative learning. It will allow for skills related to the positive interdependence between the …
La investigación “Competencias digitales en docentes de una institución educativa, San Camilo, 2019” tuvo como objetivo evaluar el nivel de competencias digitales en docentes de …
The purpose of this research is to show the results obtained in relation to the improvement of training to promote student learning from an inclusive perspective. Teacher training in active …
To carry out good teacher training, we need professionals capable of teaching from all aspects. To do this, they must be trained in various active methodologies, among which is …
La elaboración del presente trabajo de investigación pretende conocer la concepción que otorgan los maestros y familias acerca de la importancia del juego en el desarrollo evolutivo …
En un extenso panorama educativo, el modelo MICE se alza como un pilar para el desarrollo de un liderazgo que nutre la innovación y adapta la gestión educativa a las …
AP Sánchez Banegas, KL Tacuri Solano - 2024 -
This monographic thesis analyzes the potential of art in its various forms as a tool for thedevelopment of cognitive, motor, and social skills, considered as the main dimensions of …
El presente trabajo investigativo tuvo como objetivo general proponer estrategias pedagógicas dirigidas al docente de educación física para el fortalecimiento de la …