Trust scoring for language translation systems

R Soricut, D Marcu - US Patent 8,886,517, 2014 - Google Patents
Systems and methods for generating trust scores for transla tions are described herein.
According to some embodiments, methods for generating a trust score for a translation may …

Syntax-based statistical translation model

K Yamada, K Knight - US Patent 8,214,196, 2012 - Google Patents
A statistical translation model (TM) may receive a parse tree in a source language as an
input and separately output a string in a target language. The TM may perform channel …

Providing human-generated and machine-generated trusted translations

R Soricut, N Viswanathan, D Marcu - US Patent 8,676,563, 2014 - Google Patents
Customers having a translation project to select a translation method from a variety of
options, ranging from a completely human translation to a completely automated translation …

Customizable machine translation service

D Marcu, W Wong, F Lung - US Patent 8,831,928, 2014 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS selected. The domain-based translation engine may be asso
ciated with a source language, a target language, and a domain. The text string is translated …

Providing machine-generated translations and corresponding trust levels

R Soricut, N Viswanathan, D Marcu - US Patent 8,380,486, 2013 - Google Patents
US8380486B2 - Providing machine-generated translations and corresponding trust levels -
Google Patents US8380486B2 - Providing machine-generated translations and corresponding …

Discovery of parallel text portions in comparable collections of corpora and training using comparable texts

D Marcu, DS Munteanu - US Patent 8,296,127, 2012 - Google Patents
US8296127B2 - Discovery of parallel text portions in comparable collections of corpora and
training using comparable texts - Google Patents US8296127B2 - Discovery of parallel text …

Selection and use of nonstatistical translation components in a statistical machine translation framework

FJ Och - US Patent 8,666,725, 2014 - Google Patents
A system with a nonstatistical translation component integrated with a statistical translation
component engine. The same corpus may be used for training the statistical engine and also …

Statistical noun phrase translation

P Koehn - US Patent 8,548,794, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A statistical machine translation (MT) system may include a noun
phrase/prepositional phrase (NP/PP) translation sub system to translation NP/PPs as a …

Training for a text-to-text application which uses string to tree conversion for training and decoding

K Knight, M Galley, M Hopkins, D Marcu… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
Training and translation using trees and/or subtrees as parts of the rules. A target language
is word aligned with a source language, and at least one of the languages is parsed into …

Translating documents based on content

D Marcu, R Soricut, N Viswanathan - US Patent 8,990,064, 2015 - Google Patents
5,387,104 A 2, 1995 Corder 6,278,967 B1 8, 2001 Akers et al. 5,408,410 A 4/1995 Kaji
6,278,969 B1 8/2001 King et al. 5.432, 948 A 7, 1995 Davis et al. 6,285,978 B1 9, 2001 …