This review spotlights the role of atomic‐level modeling in research on metal‐organic frameworks (MOFs), especially the key methodologies of density functional theory (DFT) …
The energy costs associated with large-scale industrial separation of light hydrocarbons by cryogenic distillation could potentially be lowered through development of selective solid …
Nanoporous solids are ubiquitous in chemical, energy, and environmental processes, where controlled transport of molecules through the pores plays a crucial role. They are used as …
Metal-organic frameworks can offer pore geometries that are not available in zeolites or other porous media, facilitating distinct types of shape-based molecular separations. Here …
Analogous to the way the Human Genome Project advanced an array of biological sciences by mapping the human genome, the Materials Genome Initiative aims to enhance our …
D Dubbeldam, A Torres-Knoop, KS Walton - Molecular Simulation, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
We review state-of-the-art Monte Carlo (MC) techniques for computing fluid coexistence properties (Gibbs simulations) and adsorption simulations in nanoporous materials such as …
In this work, MOF bulk properties are evaluated and compared using several force fields on several well-studied MOFs, including IRMOF-1 (MOF-5), IRMOF-10, HKUST-1, and UiO-66 …
B Smit, TLM Maesen - Chemical reviews, 2008 - ACS Publications
Zeolites are intriguing materials. The basic building blocks are corner sharing TO4 units, where the T-atoms usually refer to Si, Al, or in some cases also P. These tetrahedrals can …
Shape selectivity is a simple concept: the transformation of reactants into products depends on how the processed molecules fit the active site of the catalyst. Nature makes abundant …