The Roman conquest of western Europe had many consequences for the local inhabitants; although the social-political and economical circumstances have been investigated …
Investigates how small groups-households and local communities-constitute and represent their social identity by ordering the landscape in which they dwell. The author develops a …
Using a life-cycle model for Roman soldiers, Johan Nicolay interprets the large quantity of first-century finds as personal memorabilia brought home by ex-soldiers as a reminder of …
In dit proefschrift staat de reconstructie van de lange-termijn-ontwikkeling van bewoning en landschap van Oost-Nederland tussen de vroege prehistorie en middeleeuwen centraal. De …
Sinds een aantal jaren wordt in de Nederlandse archeologie gewerkt volgens het 'Verdrag van Valletta'dat in 1992 door de Europese lidstaten is ondertekend op het eiland Malta. Het …
This paper is a plea for the rehabilitation of the concept of Romanisation in the discussion about socio-cultural change resulting from the confrontation of (proto-) historical peoples …
C Haselgrove - The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-), 1999 - JSTOR
In a companion article which appeared in the Chronicle a few ye referred to a number of recent Iron Age coin finds on the conti had a significant bearing on our understanding of …
This book is the final result of a research programme that started in 1992. I started writing fairly soon after that, and I wrote it pretty much in the form and sequence which it has now …
N Roymans, J Aarts - Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries, 2009 -
The introduction of money in the form of standardised objects of value made of metal and bearing images marked a new phenomenon in the pre-Roman societies of Western and …