Hyperelastic structures: A review on the mechanics and biomechanics

HB Khaniki, MH Ghayesh, R Chin, M Amabili - International Journal of Non …, 2023 - Elsevier
Soft structures are capable of undergoing reversible large strains and deformations when
facing different types of loadings. Due to the limitations of linear elastic models, researchers …

Hyperelastic energy densities for soft biological tissues: a review

G Chagnon, M Rebouah, D Favier - Journal of Elasticity, 2015 - Springer
Many soft tissues are naturally made of a matrix and fibres that present some privileged
directions. They are known to support large reversible deformations. The mechanical …

[图书][B] The mathematics and mechanics of biological growth

A Goriely - 2017 - books.google.com
This monograph presents a general mathematical theory for biological growth. It provides
both a conceptual and a technical foundation for the understanding and analysis of …

Constitutive modelling of arteries

GA Holzapfel, RW Ogden - Proceedings of the Royal …, 2010 - royalsocietypublishing.org
This review article is concerned with the mathematical modelling of the mechanical
properties of the soft biological tissues that constitute the walls of arteries. Many important …

Measurements of mechanical anisotropy in brain tissue and implications for transversely isotropic material models of white matter

Y Feng, RJ Okamoto, R Namani, GM Genin… - Journal of the mechanical …, 2013 - Elsevier
White matter in the brain is structurally anisotropic, consisting largely of bundles of aligned,
myelin-sheathed axonal fibers. White matter is believed to be mechanically anisotropic as …

Mechanical characterization of brain tissue in simple shear at dynamic strain rates

B Rashid, M Destrade, MD Gilchrist - Journal of the mechanical behavior of …, 2013 - Elsevier
During severe impact conditions, brain tissue experiences a rapid and complex deformation,
which can be seen as a mixture of compression, tension and shear. Diffuse axonal injury …

Anisotropic constitutive equations and experimental tensile behavior of brain tissue

F Velardi, F Fraternali, M Angelillo - Biomechanics and modeling in …, 2006 - Springer
The present study deals with the experimental analysis and mechanical modeling of tensile
behavior of brain soft tissue. A transversely isotropic hyperelastic model recently proposed …

Stress-driven collagen fiber remodeling in arterial walls

I Hariton, G Debotton, TC Gasser… - … and modeling in …, 2007 - Springer
A stress-driven model for the relation between the collagen morphology and the loading
conditions in arterial walls is proposed. We assume that the two families of collagen fibers in …

Active stress vs. active strain in mechanobiology: constitutive issues

D Ambrosi, S Pezzuto - Journal of Elasticity, 2012 - Springer
Many biological tissues exhibit a non-standard continuum mechanics behavior: they are
able to modify their placement in absence of external loads. The activity of the muscles is …

An anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive model with fiber-matrix shear interaction for the human annulus fibrosus

XQ Peng, ZY Guo, B Moran - 2006 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Based on fiber reinforced continuum mechanics theory, an anisotropic hyperelastic
constitutive model for the human annulus fibrosus is developed. A strain energy function …