Abstract The Apennines-Sicilian-Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt originated from the subduction of the Alpine Tethys and the later collision of drifted continental blocks against …
It is unanimously acknowledged that the Corsica‐Sardinia microplate rotated counterclockwise (CCW) by 40–50° between 21 and 15 Ma, synchronous with Liguro …
Slab tearing induces localized deformations in the overriding plates of subduction zones and transfer zones accommodating differential retreat in back-arc regions. Because the …
Temperature-dependent clay mineral assemblages, vitrinite reflectance, and one- dimensional (1-D) thermal and three-dimensional (3-D) geological modeling of a Neogene …
GPS data suggest that the NW South America corner forms a semi‐rigid block drifting NE‐ ward along the regional dextral strike‐slip faults that bound an oceanic terrane accreted in …
Thirteen seismic reflection profiles and field observations have been used to build a three- dimensional watertight geological model of the sub-surface architecture of the Trapanese …
Abstract Low Strain Rate regions (LSRrs), ie, areas undergoing tectonic deformation at rates of 1 mm/yr or less, often host important cities and highly vulnerable anthropogenic assets …
The Calabrian block, along with Alboran, Kabylies, and Peloritani form isolated and enigmatic igneous/metamorphic terranes (AlKaPeCa) stacked over the Meso‐Cenozoic …
A three-stage evolution has characterized the Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt (SFTB) during the last 15 My: two main thin-skinned shortening events involving mainly Meso-Cenozoic …