Mean-field games have been used as a theoretical tool to obtain an approximate Nash equilibrium for symmetric and anonymous $ N $-player games. However, limiting …
Workload autoscaling is widely used in public and private cloud systems to maintain stable service performance and save resources. However, it remains challenging to set the optimal …
Serverless Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) offers improved programmability for customers, yet it is not server-" less" and comes at the cost of more complex infrastructure management (eg …
Mean-field reinforcement learning has become a popular theoretical framework for efficiently approximating large-scale multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) problems exhibiting …
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has primarily focused on solving a single task in isolation, while in practice the environment is often evolving, leaving many related tasks to …
We study the sample complexity of reinforcement learning (RL) in Mean-Field Games (MFGs) with model-based function approximation that requires strategic exploration to find a …
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has gained immense success in many applications, including gaming AI, robotics, and system scheduling. Distributed algorithms and …
Competitive games played by thousands or even millions of players are omnipresent in the real world, for instance in transportation, communications, or computer networks. However …
Serverless computing, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), is a significant development trend in modern software system architecture. The workflow composition of …