I Nenić - Genero: Časopis za feminističku teoriju i studije kulture, 2009 - ceeol.com
APSTRAKT Kao brojni drugi popularni žanrovi post-tradicionalne ere zasnovani na iscrpljivanju globalne simboličke razmene i potrošnje, turbo-folk se temelji na različitim …
ЕС Чимирис - Журнал политической философии и социологии …, 2008 - cyberleninka.ru
Согласно гипотезе ЕС Чимирис, истоки политической нестабильности в Сербии следует искать в специфической многосоставности сербского общества, связанной с …
Rođen je u Osijeku 1982. godine. Diplomirao je 2004. godine na Učiteljskome fakultetu u Osijeku te je 2011. godine stekao akademski stupanj doktora znanosti iz znanstvenoga …
The area known as Croatia today was inhabited throughout the prehistoric period. Neanderthal fossils dating to the middle Palaeolithic period were unearthed in northern …
In this chapter of my comparative-historical analysis, I will outline the structure of political opportunities for, and threats to, social movement development in Serbia and Russia from …
In this chapter of my comparative-historical analysis, I will outline the structure of political opportunities for, and threats to, social movement development in Serbia and Russia from …
The study looks into the interrelationship between social identity and forcible displacement and explores the question of how have the war and the experience of forcible displacement …
Two Serb women from Bijeljina are talking, and one starts complaining to another:“My daughter has brought such a misfortune upon our family! Can you imagine it–she has …
Etter kommunismens fall og senere oppløsningen av Jugoslavia på begynnelsen av 1990- tallet ekspanderte musikksjangeren turbofolk. Denne sjangeren regnes for å være et resultat …