Cocoa pulp is a by-product of the cocoa fermentation process. The cocoa pulp contains 7% of crude protein and 14.8% of metabolic energy to be classified as a concentrated source of …
Cocoa pulp is a membrane that covers cocoa beans, and it is a by-product of the cocoa fermentation process. The cocoa pulp contains high enough protein (7%) to meet the …
Cocoa pulp is a by-product of cocoa plantations. The cocoa pulp contains crude protein (7%) and metabolic energy (14.8%) so it can be classified as a concentrated source of …
Cocoa pulp is by-product from fermentation process of cocoa beans which contains glucose, thus it has potential to be used as an energy source for livestock. The purpose of this study …
This experiment aimed to explore using cocoa pulp and tapioca meal as fillers and adhesives in modifying UMMB production for use as a feed supplement for Holstein Friesian …