[PDF][PDF] Identifying factors influencing customer experience in bancassurance: A literature review

M Choudhury, R Singh - Journal of Commerce & Accounting …, 2021 - papers.ssrn.com
The purpose of this paper is to identify and rank the significant factors that influence
customer experience in bancassurance. The paper also aims to develop future research …

Measuring customer experience in bancassurance: an empirical study

M Choudhury, R Singh, H Saikia - Market-Tržište, 2016 - hrcak.srce.hr
Design/Methodology/Approach–The study is based on primary data collected using a
structured questionnaire from customers buying life insurance policies from SBI Life through …

[PDF][PDF] Service quality in the healthcare industry: a literature review and research agenda

S Agarwal, R Singh, CK Upadhyay - Internat J Mark Busin …, 2022 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this paper is to systematically review the literature published on the various
aspects of service quality in the healthcare industry. The study is based on secondary …

[PDF][PDF] Contribution of bancassurance on the performance of bank: a case study of acquisition of shares in max new york life insurance by axis bank

NM Leepsa, R Singh - Journal of Business and Financial Affairs, 2017 - researchgate.net
Bancassurance is a new concept where bank and insurance company collaborate to sell
insurance through bank's distribution networks. After liberalization, the financial industry has …

Perception of customers splurging the prospects of bancassurance: evidence from Indian banking firms

R Agrawal, R Gupta - International Journal of Management …, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
Bancassurance is the term assimilating a lot of potential gains for both banks and insurance
companies. Being a convention, there is still a high scope to attain success in the financial …

[PDF][PDF] Measuring customers' perception in bancassurance channel using psychometric scale

R Singh, M Choudhury - DLSU Business & Economics Review, 2017 - dlsuber.com
The study attempts to investigate the customers' perception towards bancassurance
channel. Customers' perception towards bancassurance is studied by considering six …

[PDF][PDF] An analysis of customer perception about bancassurance: an empirical study

DR Pallavi, A Rai - Recent trends in Management and Commerce, 2021 - researchgate.net
Bancassurance refers to the banks and insurance companies integrate either in the form of
referral, corporate agent or through joint ventures to sell insurance policies of the …

Empathy of the bancassurance channel: An empirical study

M Choudhury, R Singh, K Kajol, SK Rai - Indian Journal of Finance and …, 2020 - cribfb.com
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to assess the customers' perception regarding empathy
exhibited by the bancassurance channel and factors affecting it. Design/Methodology …

[PDF][PDF] Customers' perception regarding assurance of bancassurance channel

M Choudhury, R Singh - Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Economics and …, 2016 - sciendo.com
Bancassurance has evolved as a strong distribution channel in India. Bancassurance
means that the insurance company and the bank come together to offer insurance products …

[PDF][PDF] Measuring channel partners experience in bancassurance: An empirical study

PG Kaley - International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research …, 2019 - academia.edu
Purpose–This study attempts to investigate bancassurance channel experience with respect
Insurance Company. Design/Methodology/Approach–The study is based on primary data …