Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods have significant potential for diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19 infections. Rapid identification of COVID-19 and its severity in individual patients …
Purpose Tendency is to moderate the injected activity and/or reduce acquisition time in PET examinations to minimize potential radiation hazards and increase patient comfort. This …
Background We aimed to analyze the prognostic power of CT-based radiomics models using data of 14,339 COVID-19 patients. Methods Whole lung segmentations were …
Background and purpose Delineation of organs at risk (OARs), such as the bladder, rectum and sigmoid, plays an important role in the delivery of optimal absorbed dose to the target …
We present a deep learning (DL)‐based automated whole lung and COVID‐19 pneumonia infectious lesions (COLI‐Net) detection and segmentation from chest computed tomography …
Trustworthiness is a core tenet of medicine. The patient–physician relationship is evolving from a dyad to a broader ecosystem of health care. With the emergence of artificial …
Purpose Reducing the injected activity and/or the scanning time is a desirable goal to minimize radiation exposure and maximize patients' comfort. To achieve this goal, we …
Background and purpose Accurate calculation of the absorbed dose delivered to the tumor and normal tissues improves treatment gain factor, which is the major advantage of …
A small dataset commonly affects generalization, robustness, and overall performance of deep neural networks (DNNs) in medical imaging research. Since gathering large clinical …