The transition from wakefulness to sleep is a progressive process that is reflected in the gradual loss of responsiveness, an alteration of cognitive functions, and a drastic shift in …
The extent to which the sleeping brain processes sensory information remains unclear. This is particularly true for continuous and complex stimuli such as speech, in which information …
S Ruch, MA Züst, K Henke - Neuroscience of consciousness, 2016 -
Subliminal manipulation is often considered harmless because its effects typically decay within a second. So far, subliminal long-term effects on behavior were only observed in …
This study compared automatic and controlled cognitive processes that underlie event- related potentials (ERPs) effects during speech perception. Sentences were presented to …
Can the sleeping brain develop predictions of future auditory stimuli? Past research demonstrated disrupted prediction capabilities during sleep in the context of novel, arbitrary …
M Wilf, M Ramot, E Furman-Haran, A Arzi, Y Levkovitz… - PloS one, 2016 -
Natural sleep provides a powerful model system for studying the neuronal correlates of awareness and state changes in the human brain. To quantitatively map the nature of sleep …
J Farthouat, A Atas, V Wens, X De Tiege, P Peigneux - Scientific reports, 2018 -
Hypnopedia, or the capacity to learn during sleep, is debatable. De novo a cquisition of reflex stimulus-response associations was shown possible both in man and animal. Whether …
The interactions between epilepsy and sleep are numerous and the impact of epilepsy on cognition is well documented. Epilepsy is therefore likely to influence dreaming as one sleep …
Recent evidence suggests that humans can form and later retrieve new semantic relations unconsciously by way of hippocampus—the key structure also recruited for conscious …