Measurement and evaluation of the operating efficiency of china's basic pension insurance: Based on three-stage dea model

Z Li, X Si, Z Ding, X Li, S Zheng, Y Wang… - … and healthcare policy, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose This paper aims to measure the operating efficiency of China's basic pension
insurance from 2014 to 2019 in 31 provinces. Methods The three-stage DEA model was …

The effect of emigration on financial and social pension system sustainability in EU new member states: Panel data analysis

V Vučković, L Škuflić - Economics & Sociology, 2021 -
The paper brings the analysis of the emigration effects on financial and political
sustainability of pension systems in 11 new European Union member states: Bulgaria …

Croatia's post-communist transition experience: The paradox of initial advantage turning into a middle-income trap

K Kotarski, Z Petak - Policy-making at the European periphery: The case …, 2019 - Springer
The central puzzle of Croatia's post-communist transition has been the extent of economic
and institutional divergence with new EU member states bound by common historical legacy …

Flexible and new forms of employment in Croatia and their pension entitlement aspects

I Grgurev, I Vukorepa - … , and National Labour Relations: Flexicurity and …, 2018 - Springer
Flexible and new forms of employment are extensively discussed in contemporary legal
literature. Examined often are only employment law aspects and the (in) adequacy of labour …

Policy-making context and challenges of governance in Croatia

Z Petak - Policy-making at the European periphery: The case of …, 2019 - Springer
The chapter discusses the institutional context and principal actors in the policy-making
process in Croatia. The introductory section describes the basic features of political and …

[PDF][PDF] Predictors of early retirement intentions in Croatia

M Bađun, Š Smolić - … istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 2018 -
In this paper, we use the SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) Wave
6 dataset to look into the socio-demographic, health, well-being, financial and work--related …

The Croatian Pension System and Challenges of Pension Policy

P Bejaković - Policy-Making at the European Periphery: The Case of …, 2019 - Springer
After the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, Croatia inherited a 'premature'socialist pay-as-
you-go pension system. It has undergone many reforms: one systemic reform (from 1998 to …

Uzroci poteškoća u mirovinskom sustavu i razlozi zašto treba očuvati kapitalizirano mirovinsko osiguranje u Hrvatskoj

P Bejaković - Revija za socijalnu politiku, 2019 -
Sažetak Mirovinski sustav ima različite zadaće koje su ponekad i međusobno
suprotstavljene. Usprkos očitom poboljšanju materijalnog položaja starijih osoba, sustav …

[HTML][HTML] Change in the tax structure of the Republic of Croatia as a precondition for pension system reform

D Buterin - Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci, 2021 -
FOR PENSION SYSTEM REFORM Skoči na glavni sadržaj english Prijava i registracija Prijava …

Hrvatski model djelomičnog umirovljenja–kritički osvrt

I Vukorepa - Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2023 -
Sažetak Mjera djelomičnog umirovljenja trebala bi biti koncipirana tako da motivira ljude da
duže ostanu u svijetu rada i odgode svoje potpuno umirovljenje, kako bi se smanjio pritisak …