The applications of random quantum circuits range from quantum computing and quantum many-body systems to the physics of black holes. Many of these applications are related to …
We propose VQE circuit fabrics with advantageous properties for the simulation of strongly correlated ground and excited states of molecules and materials under the Jordan–Wigner …
The concept of quantum complexity has far-reaching implications spanning theoretical computer science, quantum many-body physics, and high-energy physics. The quantum …
Magic (nonstabilizerness) is a necessary but “expensive” kind of “fuel” to drive universal fault- tolerant quantum computation. To properly study and characterize the origin of quantum …
Despite its long history, a canonical formulation of quantum ergodicity that applies to general classes of quantum dynamics, including driven systems, has not been fully established …
Fermionic linear optics (FLO) is a restricted model of quantum computation, which in its original form is known to be efficiently classically simulable. We show that, when initialized …
A unitary t-design is a powerful tool in quantum information science and fundamental physics. Despite its usefulness, only approximate implementations were known for general t …
The Solovay-Kitaev algorithm is a fundamental result in quantum computation. It gives an algorithm for efficiently compiling arbitrary unitaries using universal gate sets: any unitary …
We establish a relationship between the notion of universal quantum gates and the notion of unitary t-designs. We show that a set of qudit gates S⊂ U (d) is universal if and only if S …