Gender ideology: Components, predictors, and consequences

SN Davis, TN Greenstein - Annual review of Sociology, 2009 -
The purpose of this article is to review research on the construction of gender ideology and
its consequences. The article begins with a summary of research focused on measuring …

Pembagian peran dalam rumah tangga pada pasangan suami istri Jawa

DPK Putri, S Lestari - Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora, 2015 -
The purpose of this study is to describe the division of roles of husband and wife in
Javanese family. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative method. The subjects of …

Is there an extended family of Mediterranean welfare states?

J Gal - Journal of European Social Policy, 2010 -
The goal of this article is to suggest that an extended family of Mediterranean welfare states
exists and that it consists of eight different nations, some of which have been ignored in the …

Desperate housework: Relative resources, time availability, economic dependency, and gender ideology across Europe

A Aassve, G Fuochi, L Mencarini - Journal of Family Issues, 2014 -
This article investigates cross-national patterns in the gender division of housework in
coresident couples. By using Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) data, we assess four …

[HTML][HTML] Housework over the course of relationships: Gender ideology, resources, and the division of housework from a growth curve perspective

N Nitsche, D Grunow - Advances in life course research, 2016 - Elsevier
In the 21st century, the division of housework remains gendered, with women on average
still spending more time doing chores than their male partners. While research has studied …

Off-scheduling within dual-earner couples: An unequal and negative externality for family time

L Lesnard - American Journal of Sociology, 2008 -
Using couples' time-diary data from two French time-use surveys (1986, 1999), this article
explores the extent to which off-scheduling within dual-earner couples is an unequal and …

Perceived equity in the gendered division of household labor

M Braun, N Lewin‐Epstein, H Stier… - Journal of Marriage …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Despite huge imbalances in the division of housework between women and men, previous
studies have found perceptions of equity on the part of women to be much more frequent …

Household labor, gender roles, and family satisfaction: A cross-national comparison

R Forste, K Fox - Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2012 -
Data from the 2002 International Social Survey Program: Family and Changing Gender
Roles (III) are analyzed for 25,750 married or cohabiting adults from 31 countries in Europe …

The inter-relationship between formal and informal care: a study in France and Israel

H Litwin, C Attias-Donfut - Ageing & Society, 2009 -
This study examined whether formal care services delivered to frail older people's homes in
France and Israel substitute for or complement informal support. The two countries have …

Partners' educational pairings and fertility across Europe

N Nitsche, A Matysiak, J Van Bavel, D Vignoli - Demography, 2018 - Springer
We provide new evidence on the education-fertility relationship by using EU-SILC panel
data on 24 European countries to investigate how couples' educational pairings predict their …