The use of Glasswool as a commercial sound absorber is growing rapidly nowadays. Unfortunately, this material contains a high silica fiber which is harmful to human health …
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh densitas panel serat ampas tebu terhadap koefisien absorbsi bunyi dan impedansi akustik. Â Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode …
Telah dilakukan pengujian kinerja serapan bunyi dari komposit daun jati berdasarkan komposisi massa bahan. Pengujian kinerja secara eksperimen dilakukan dengan …
H Hamriani - Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika, 2016 -
This research is experimental research that aims to identify Morphological structure and composition of the waste element content of the plant and the effect on the environment …
DK Devya, M Mursal, Z Djalil - Jurnal Natural, 2018 -
The purpose of this research were to investigate the influence of palm fiber composition and the number of hole cavities was varied with design Acoustic Sandwich Composite on sound …
In this study, composites made from recycled HDPE and Cantula fiber have been done and the absorption coefficient have been measured. Composites rHDPE-Cantula were made …
JI Kusuma, H Harjana, I Yahya - INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF …, 2016 -
Dampak teknik modifikasi permukaan elemen peredam dengan struktur berbentuk prisma terhadap perubahan kinerja serapan bunyi disajikan dalam paper ini. Dua ragam prisma …