Patents and innovation: evidence from economic history

P Moser - Journal of economic perspectives, 2013 -
What is the optimal system of intellectual property rights to encourage innovation? Empirical
evidence from economic history can help to inform important policy questions that have …

Promoting access to intellectual property: patent pools, copyright collectives, and clearinghouses

R Aoki, A Schiff - R&d Management, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
This paper reviews and compares patent pools, intellectual property (IP) clearinghouses,
and copyright collectives as systems for promoting efficient access to licensable IP in a …

To join or not to join: Examining patent pool participation and rent sharing rules

A Layne-Farrar, J Lerner - International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2011 - Elsevier
In recognition that participation in modern patent pools is voluntary, we present empirical
evidence on participation rates and the factors that drive the decision to join a pool …

Patent pools, competition, and innovation—evidence from 20 US industries under the new deal

R Lampe, P Moser - The Journal of Law, Economics, and …, 2016 -
Patent pools have become a prominent mechanism to reduce litigation risks and facilitate
the commercialization of new technologies. This article takes advantage of a window of …

Licensing terms of standard essential patents: A comprehensive analysis of cases

C Pentheroudakis, J Baron - JRC Science for Policy Report, 2017 -
The prospect of licensing patents that are essential to standards on an industry-wide scale is
a major incentive for companies to invest in standardization activities. Most standard …

Complementary patents and market structure

KM Schmidt - Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Many high technology goods are based on standards that require several essential patents
owned by different IP holders. This gives rise to a complements and a double mark‐up …

Do patents work? Thickets, trolls and antibiotic resistance

N Gallini - Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This paper connects ideas from recent literature on the economics of intellectual property
(IP) to address the question: Did the strengthening and broadening of IP rights from …

[PDF][PDF] To Sell or Scale Up: Canada's Patent Strategy in a Knowledge Economy

N Gallini, A Hollis - 2019 -
Canada has many of the right conditions for innovation: a well-educated workforce, strong
research institutions, openness to skilled immigration, an active venture capital scene …

Ex Ante Agreements in Standard Setting and Patent‐Pool Formation*

G Llanes, J Poblete - Journal of Economics & Management …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We present a model of standard setting and patent‐pool formation. We study the effects of
alternative standard‐setting and pool‐formation rules on technology choice, prices, and …

A framework for assessing a portfolio of technologies for licensing out

LP Santiago, M Martinelli, DT Eloi-Santos… - … Forecasting and Social …, 2015 - Elsevier
Companies invest in R&D to create and exploit new opportunities. In recent years, leading
innovative companies have attempted to establish a market for technologies and create …