Reliability and high availability have always been a major concern in distributed systems. Providing highly available and reliable services in cloud computing is essential for …
MA Sharkh, A Kanso, A Shami, P Öhlén - Computer Networks, 2016 - Elsevier
As cloud computing technologies finalize their transformation into the standard technologies for businesses of all sizes, they face more scrutiny than ever. Clients are expecting the …
M Abu Sharkh, A Shami, A Ouda - Journal of Cloud Computing, 2017 - Springer
Cloud service providers are under constant pressure to improve performance, offer more diverse resource deployment options, and enhance application portability. To achieve these …
S Sastry - US Patent 11,099,974, 2021 - Google Patents
An application-performance management (APM) system manages the performance of a service on a highly redundant high-availability platform that configures duplicate instances …
Cloud simulators are software tools used to simulate and experiment with di erent aspects of the cloud computing environment without requiring a real cloud platform. Cloud simulators …
WordPress is powering 29% of websites on the Internet (Cabot, 2018), it is almost 1/3 of the digital world. Alongside with its popularity, security threats are one of the most significant …
A despeito de haver considerável entusiasmo quanto à migração de data-centers on- primese para serviços de Cloud Computing, ainda existe certo receio no que se refere à …
With the transformation of cloud computing technologies from an attractive trend to a business reality, the need is more pressing than ever for efficient cloud service management …
Privatpersoner och företag hyr i allt större utsträckning molntjänster snarare än att själva driva ett datacenter. Kunder som använder molntjänster förväntar sig att dessa alltid är …