Recommender systems to support learners' Agency in a Learning Context: a systematic review

M Deschênes - International journal of educational technology in …, 2020 - Springer
Recommender systems for technology-enhanced learning are examined in relation to
learners' agency, that is, their ability to define and pursue learning goals. These systems …

Student engagement in health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 152

SE Kassab, D Taylor, H Hamdy - Medical Teacher, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This guide aims to support our colleagues to have comprehensive understanding of student
engagement in health professions education. Despite the universal agreement about the …

Student belongingness in higher education: Lessons for Professors from the COVID-19 pandemic

D Tice, R Baumeister, J Crawford… - Journal of University …, 2021 -
'To learn about X, observe what happens to the system when X is removed.'What happens to
the higher education student experience when, during a pandemic, so many of the avenues …

Student agency analytics: Learning analytics as a tool for analysing student agency in higher education

P Jääskelä, V Heilala, T Kärkkäinen… - Behaviour & …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a novel approach and a method of learning analytics to study student
agency in higher education. Agency is a concept that holistically depicts important …

The Bologna Process: an international higher education regime

H Zahavi, Y Friedman - The Bologna Process and its Global …, 2020 -
The Bologna Process and the ensuing establishment of the European Higher Education
Area has had an impact on the ways in which higher education in Europe operates, and the …

Revisiting perceived service quality in higher education: Uncovering service quality dimensions for postgraduate students

S El Alfy, A Abukari - Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Perceived service quality in higher education and its antecedents have been one of the
significant issues worldwide. Despite being studied over decades, service quality (SQ) …

Affective and cognitive variables involved in structural prediction of university dropout

AE Díaz Mújica, MV Pérez Villalobos… - …, 2019 -
Abstract Resumen Background: The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of
potentially important individual variables (motivation, satisfaction with the course, self …

Learning analytics in supporting student agency: A systematic review

D Hooshyar, K Tammets, T Ley, K Aus, K Kollom - Sustainability, 2023 -
Student agency, or agency for learning, refers to an individual's ability to act and cause
changes during the learning process. Recently, learning analytics (LA) has demonstrated its …

Rhetoric and realities in Australian universities of student engagement in online learning: Implications for a post-pandemic era

S Parida, SP Dhakal, K Dayaram, H Mohammadi… - … International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The issue of student engagement in online learning (SEOL) environments which gained
attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, continues to be a significant topic of interest in the …

Measurement of student engagement in health professions education: a review of literature

SE Kassab, M Al-Eraky, W El-Sayed, H Hamdy… - BMC Medical …, 2023 - Springer
Student engagement is a complex multidimensional construct that has attained great interest
in health professions education (HPE). Definition and conceptualization of student …