MD Cavelty, V Mauer, T Balzacq - 2010 -
Names: Dunn Cavelty, Myriam, editor.| Balzacq, Thierry, editor. Title: Routledge handbook of security studies/edited by Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Thierry Balzacq. Other titles: Handbook …
Islamist militancy in Pakistan has long stood atop the international security agenda, yet there is almost no systematic evidence about why individual Pakistanis support Islamist militant …
Islamic schools, or madrasas, have been accused of radicalizing Muslims and participating, either actively or passively, in terrorist networks since the events of 9/11. In Pakistan, the …
Since the 1970s, movements aimed at giving Muslim women access to the serious study of Islamic texts have emerged across the world. In this book, Masooda Bano argues that the …
TM Butt - South Asian Studies, 2020 -
Madrassa is a controversial educational institution of Pakistani society. International scholarship is polarized on madrassa issue and presents two divergent pictures of this …
This thesis has attempted to understand the role of mainstream schools: elite English- medium schools, public schools and Islamic madaris in reproducing various social classes …
Note u This presentation is drawn from a forthcoming monograph by the author that explores the connections between education and militancy in Pakistan, to be published by USIP …
M Bano - Modern Asian Studies, 2014 -
The old project of modernizing madrasas has acquired a new zeal in South Asia after September 2011, whereby madrasa reform programmes became an acknowledged soft …
M Bano - Achieving Education for All through Public–Private …, 2013 -
Alianzas con las Madrasas para la educación: experiencias del Sur Asiático Las escuelas islámicas o madrasas son importantes proveedoras de educación no estatal en el Sur …