[PDF][PDF] The aggregate and distributional effects of urban transit infrastructure: Evidence from bogotá's transmilenio

JN Tsivanidis - 2018 - knowledge.uchicago.edu
How large are the economic gains to improving public transit systems within cities and how
are they distributed between low-and high-skilled workers? With 2.5 billion people predicted …

Life in the slow lane: Unintended consequences of public transit in Jakarta

A Gaduh, T Gračner, AD Rothenberg - Journal of urban economics, 2022 - Elsevier
We study how TransJakarta, one of the worlds largest BRT systems, impacted commuting
outcomes in Jakarta, Indonesia from 2002 to 2010. Using planned lines for identification, we …

Optimal Public Transportation Networks: Evidence from the World's Largest Bus Rapid Transit System in Jakarta

G Kreindler, A Gaduh, T Graff, R Hanna, BA Olken - 2023 - nber.org
Designing public transport networks involves tradeoffs between extensive geographic
coverage, frequent service on each route, and relying on interconnections as opposed to …

[图书][B] The Impact of Infrastructure on Development Outcomes

V Foster, N Gorgulu, S Straub, M Vagliasindi - 2023 - openknowledge.worldbank.org
That modern infrastructure is a prerequisite for economic development seems almost a
truism and one that is widely accepted by politicians around the world. However, rigorous …

[引用][C] The impact of infrastructure on development outcomes: A qualitative review of four decades of literature

V Foster, N Gorgulu, S Straub, M Vagliasindi - 2023 - The World Bank