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Desa Karangrejo terletak pada Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang dengan memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 625.20 Ha dengan mata pencaharian masyarakat dominan …
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Based on the result of preliminary research at UD Kelompok Melati, in the production process the problem was found, namely the occurrence of waste in the production process …
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The high demand in aerospace industry require on going improvement to meet its costumer. Prototyping is a form of effort to ensure the quality of airplanes. However, several problems …
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Pada struktur atas bangunan Fly Over Djuanda menggunakan Struktur Beton Pracetak PC- U Girder. WIKA-NINDYA KSO berusaha meningkatkan kinerja produktivitas dan efisiensinya …
Productivity is one of the keys to determining the factors that affect competitiveness in construction projects, including the productivity of workers and heavy equipment for spillway …
Question: Can the 5S lean approach using Seiri (Sorting), Seiton (Arranging), Seiso (Cleaning), Seiketsu (Standardizing), and Shitsuke (Sustaining) improve the workflow to …
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Construction projects have a major impact on environmental damage, which causes the phenomenon of the greenhouse gas effect and an increase in carbon dioxide. One of the …
2. METODE Pene1itian ini di1akukan dari pengajuan judu1 pene1itian hingga ter1aksananya 1aporan pene1itian terhitung sejak bu1an novenber 2019 sampai dengan …
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Desa Karangrejo terletak pada Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang dengan memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 625.20 Ha dengan mata pencaharian …