Ideas foundational to calculus learning and their links to students' difficulties

PW Thompson, G Harel - ZDM–Mathematics Education, 2021 - Springer
Existing literature reviews of calculus learning made an important contribution to our
understanding of the development of mathematics education research in this area …

[PDF][PDF] Variation, covariation, and functions: Foundational ways of thinking mathematically

PW Thompson, MP Carlson - Compendium for research in …, 2017 -
In beginning this chapter we immediately faced a dilemma. There is nothing that can be
called “the concept of function.” The phrase “concept of function,” regardless of its meaning …

Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la razón, la proporción y la proporcionalidad: un estado del arte

G Obando, CE Vasco, LC Arboleda - Revista latinoamericana de …, 2014 -
Razones, proporciones y proporcionalidad constituyen un campo ampliamente investigado
en los últimos cincuenta años. Evaluaciones recientes muestran que estos objetos de …

The development of children's algebraic thinking: The impact of a comprehensive early algebra intervention in third grade

M Blanton, A Stephens, E Knuth… - Journal for research in …, 2015 -
This article reports results from a study investigating the impact of a sustained,
comprehensive early algebra intervention in third grade. Participants included 106 students; …

Applying covariational reasoning while modeling dynamic events: A framework and a study

M Carlson, S Jacobs, E Coe, S Larsen… - Journal for research in …, 2002 -
The article develops the notion of covariational reasoning and proposes a framework for
describing the mental actions involved in applying covariational reasoning when interpreting …

Awareness of pattern and structure in early mathematical development

J Mulligan, M Mitchelmore - Mathematics Education Research Journal, 2009 - Springer
Recent educational research has turned increasing attention to the structural development
of young students' mathematical thinking. Early algebra, multiplicative reasoning, and spatial …

[PDF][PDF] Fractions and multiplicative reasoning

PW Thompson, LA Saldanha - Research companion to the principles and …, 2003 - Citeseer
† Preparation of this chapter was supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. REC-
9811879. All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect official positions …

Young children's intuitive models of multiplication and division

JT Mulligan, MC Mitchelmore - Journal for research in Mathematics …, 1997 -
In this study, an intuitive model was defined as an internal mental structure corresponding to
a class of calculation strategies. A sample of female students was observed 4 times during …

Putting philosophy to work

P Cobb - Second handbook of research on mathematics …, 2007 -
In inviting me to write this chapter on philosophical issues in mathematics education, the
editor has given me the leeway to present a personal perspective rather than to develop a …

Physically distributed learning: Adapting and reinterpreting physical environments in the development of fraction concepts

T Martin, DL Schwartz - Cognitive science, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Five studies examined how interacting with the physical environment can support the
development of fraction concepts. Nine‐and 10‐year‐old children worked on fraction …