New democracies around the world have adopted constitutional courts to oversee the operation of democratic politics. Where does judicial power come from, how does it develop …
Although they are not directly accountable to voters, constitutional court judges around the world nevertheless communicate with the general public through the media. In Judicial …
J Melton, T Ginsburg - Journal of Law and Courts, 2014 -
The relationship between de jure and de facto judicial independence is much debated in the literature on judicial politics. Some studies find no relationship between the formal rules …
J Ríos-Figueroa - Latin American Politics and Society, 2007 -
Legal reforms that make judges independent from political pressures and empower them with judicial review do not make an effective judiciary. Something has to fill the gap between …
SC Gordon, GA Huber - Annual Review of Law and Social …, 2009 -
Contemporary advances in the field of political economy, particularly those concerning the subject of delegated authority, can provide a unifying framework for analyzing the behavior …
The number of women in positions of power and authority in Japanese companies has remained small despite the increase in the number of educated women and the passage of …
summary During the 1990s, judicial reform swept Latin America. While some of the region's supreme courts have been able to exercise increased power as a result of these reforms …
" Ten years of complaints are not as good as one wave of interviews."-Popular saying in China'" Over the past year... we have given special emphasis to working closely and …
N Garoupa, T Ginsburg - The American Journal of Comparative …, 2009 -
This Article uses comparative evidence to inform the ongoing debate about the selection and discipline of judges. In recent decades, many countries around the world have created …