[图书][B] Feminists theorize the state

J Kantola - 2006 - books.google.com
Where is feminist state theory today? This book offers novel insights into social science
debates by analyzing feminist theories of the state. The themes are developed within a …

[图书][B] Making social citizenship: conceptual practices from the Finnish poor law to professional social work

M Satka - 1995 - jyx.jyu.fi
In recent Finnish academic debate on social work, it has become a common understanding
to regard social work as a field of study and professional practice whose task is to interpret …

The social organisation of motherhood: advice giving in maternity and child health care in Scotland and Finland

MMLA Kuronen - 1999 - dspace.stir.ac.uk
This study is a qualitative, cross-cultural research on advice giving for mothers in maternity
and child health services in Scotland and Finland. It has been accomplished through local …

[PDF][PDF] Trap for women or freedom to choose

H Hiilamo, O Kangas - Paper for, 2003 - researchgate.net
Recent debates on welfare state reforms have revolved around institutional inertias and
institutional legacies that make welfare institutions hard to change. The emphasis has been …

[图书][B] Sodan pojat: Sodanaikaisten pikkupoikien lapsuuskokemuksia isyyden näkökulmasta

E Kujala - 2003 - jyx.jyu.fi
Erkki Kujalan yhteiskuntapolitiikan väitöskirjan mukaan sota vaikutti kielteisesti isyyteen.
Miesten ollessa vuosikausia sodassa heillä ei ollut aikaa tai mahdollisuutta olla lastensa …

[HTML][HTML] Vääränikäisiä äitejä?: ikä ja äitiyden yhteiskunnalliset ehdot

M Kelhä - 2009 - helda.helsinki.fi
This dissertation reports on research on the contradictions between “right-aged” motherhood
accordant with normative life-course and the motherhood of a woman who lives her life …

[图书][B] Frauen in der finnischen Politik: Auf dem Weg zur Hälfte der Macht?

S Bergman - 1998 - Springer
Die 70er und 80er Jahre brachten in den westlichen Industrieländern eine neue Phase der
politischen Mobilisierung von Frauen mit sich. Die Aktivitäten konzentrierten sich sowohl auf …

[PDF][PDF] Doing gender/doing profession in Finnish working life

E Roininen - 2008 - e-helvetica.nb.admin.ch
Societal inequalities are by and large based on economic inequalities. Economic
inequalities are based on ordering people in hierarchies, where some categories of people …

[PDF][PDF] Early history of oral contraceptive pill in Finland: the diffusion of the new contraceptive and fertility patterns

A Pasila - Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 2011 - journal.fi
The 1960s is often characterized as a decade of outstanding social and demographic
changes in Western societies. The introduction of the contraceptive pill is assumed to have …

AVIOPUOLISOIDEN VÄLINEN SUHDE TALVI-JA JATKOSODASSA Suhteen merkitys ja naisten selviytyminen sodan ajan arjessa kotirintamanaisten kerrotuissa …

S Tuomi-Toljola - 2008 - trepo.tuni.fi
Tutkimukseni tarkoitus on tutkia sitä, mikä merkitys aviopuolisoiden välisellä suhteella oli
sodan aikana naisille ja miten suhde vaikutti naisten arjessa selviytymiseen kotirintamalla …