JM Casas, AP Cabrera - Hispanic Journal of Behavioral …, 2011 -
This article describes how the perceived increase in Latino/a immigration, the present economic conditions, and the tendency to ascribe negative attributes and behaviors to the …
E García-Beltrán - RECIE. Revista Caribeña de …, 2023 -
In a rapidly changing world, students must develop their global competence, which is the ability to understand, act and manage global and intercultural affairs. However, there is still …
JK Adair, KSS Colegrove - Asia-Pacific Journal of Research …, 2014 -
This article explores how children of Latino immigrants responded to a learning environment where they could influence how and what they learned. Using ethnographic data from the …
Differences in visual attention have been documented in ASD, and appear linked to clinical symptoms. However, most research has been conducted in Western cultures. Because …
Cultural anthropologists can be an intellectually adventurous crowd: open—even eager—to building bridges across disciplines in the name of understanding human behavior and the …
E Kong - International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social …, 2011 -
Australia is a nation of immigrants. Immigration brings much needed skills and labour to Australia. It helps creating a strong economy, drives prosperity and builds Australia's future …
Given the rapid increase of refugee and immigrant students entering US public schools, a clear understanding of student acculturation issues is needed in order to support this …
Performance-based assessment methods provide important insight into psychological functioning in ways that differ from those afforded by more structured tasks. Data obtained …